Tech Support Number 888-928-2843

Scam Number: 888-928-2843
Scammer’s Website or Email:
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These guys are Extra Spicy Nik likes

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Told me I reached Samson Service Center and not tech support.

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Never legit. Always a scam.

not in service?

yep These fake Pop Ups are NEVER Legit. The real microsoft support doesn’t even call you any more. Many years ago they used to offer phone service tech support and what not. Now they wont even call or let alone ask to remote into you via any desk ultra viewer or what ever. Not only that if these pop ups show up and you accidentally hit the page just hold the escape button for bout 30 seconds. Make sure you mute the sounds its annoying. As far as these windows pop ups go. Yes its entirely fake and primarily comes from call centers located in India.


Some legit get posted. There was one last week.
This guy answered hello and sounded confused.

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Probably the scammers spoofed a number.