Tech alert scam 800-263-0185

Scammer’s Number: 800-263-0185
Domains Used:
Extra Info: Location Kalyan East, suburb of Mumbai
owener Abhijit Prakash
See this video

800-263-0185 I pressed 2 At 1:34 PM Central, I got gal named Lovanne. I asked her how to spell it. I am on phone now.

I tried to “bait” her but her pronunciation is VERY difficult for me to understand. So I started calling her out on her criminal behavior. She might not understand English very well because after she would pause while I was calling her out without yelling at her, she seemed to try to continue her script. Finally she hung up.

I could not understand her very well. I am gonna call for a 2nd time to see if I get “Lovanne” again or some other scammer.

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I had the same e with Indian “Lovanne”
They are in disarray

Here is the audio

Yeah Doc, they seem to be in disarray.

I got her on phone for 2nd time. “Agent 396” “Lovanna” She is the “supervisor on the floor” according to her IF I understood her correctly.

On this 2nd call, I also did not scream at her in terms of loud volume. I again told her that her criminal behavior is bringing shame to her family and ancestors. I again told her that she needs to learn to enunciate when trying to speak English. I do not understand her well enough though to be able to carry on any sort of MEANINGFUL conversation with her. I do not know how she is able to SCAM anybody when she seems so inept and incompetent!

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Okay, on subsequent calls I did start yelling and hurling insults!.

I have gotten “Amy” and “Julie” two times each. They speak English in a clearer and more understandable way from my perspective. Both of them are like “Lovanna” though in the sense that even if you call them out, even if you cuss at them in a most uncouth, vulgar, and nasty way, they calmly continue trying to help the customer.

I got Amy, and after spending an inordinate amount of time trying to verify my account, I finally told her she was incompetent and I wanted to talk to her Manager, of course she is the Supervisor on the Floor, woah. After some more criticism she finally hung up.

Yeah, this group of scammers do not seem very experienced! I tried pushing their buttons but they do not get riled up. They seem like freakin’ robots or zombies or brainwashed people who are living on auto pilot!

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I feel the same way.

Thanks as always @drwat for sharing your audio recordings!

I spoke to Julie who took my number and said that someone would call me back.

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I spoke to Julie, Amy, and Lovanne.

Interesting that she is having someone call you back, @JBCizzle. I hope that my insults to Julie and the two others have not caused them to lose their confidence as scammers!!! Ha!

I just called this 800 263 0185 again at 3:02 PM Central and I ended up getting a voicemail machine. Haha These are not the slickest scammers to be sure!

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They called me back from 510-281-6453 3 times while I was on the phone with another tech support scammer. I called them back and they told me to stay by the phone and will call me back. I waited 30 minutes and called back saying that I figured it out and didn’t need them to call me and then he started getting mean and we yelled at one another.


Here is the damage to the number “0185”


I was on the phone with another scammer and these guys called me back like 3 times from 510-281-6453.


Appears to be a “Text Now” number… lol.

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Yeah, I called 510 281 6453 and left a message on the generic TextNow voicemail machine that I got. In my message I mentioned that your 800 263 0185 number if being FLOODED and BOMBARDED, and that as soon as you buy a new phone number we will BOMBARD your new phone number. I am gonna call again the 510 281 6453 with the hopes that someone will answer, but if not I’ll leave a mocking message asking why aren’t you trying to scam people, benchod?


!,000 (1k) more calls.



scammer final boss

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