SUPPOAT 18447284045 (Usually always up during the day)

they just changed their number and job.

their new number:
+1 (800) 299-0962
They are now Microsoft support

flood them

@mavericklunarv#99480 If that number is spoofed tell me ASAP

The Indian on the phone just warned me that the call I got was probably a scam ???

They don’t respond to the 800-299-0962 number anymore, if they ask what number you got it from they’ll hang up right fast. That said if you wanna screw with them just act like an old person and tell em you have a flip phone and are hard at hearing.

It’s active

he called my mother a whore for 22 mins lol



they did not change their number to 1-800-299-0962 (This is 5 Years old number) . that 18447284045 number has nothing to do with them.

I did a little research on them , They are tech support , If you call them with a small issue they will make it a Big issue to sell to create urgency . But the good thing is they only charge if your problem is fixed and you are happy with their resolution. I saw some good reviews on their website and they have been in the market from 5 years and they have regular customers who regularly call them for issues.

They also have a blog on their website for customer awareness against scams

I called them and a guy named David opened the call , I told my issue and he took control on my Pc , he told me That I have a virus and pc is slow and it needs tune up and it will cost you 169.99 USD and for next 6 month if i face any issue they will resolve for no cost. It sounded like a good deal. I asked him if I have to pay upfront , He said That once all the work is done and my pc is up and running and I am satisfied then only I need to pay. I asked him to go on . . They did whatever on my pc and after approx 80 minutes that guy called again and said all the work is done and I may check. I pretended to check and disconnected their control.

My Pc was no doubt working better.

I think this is exactly what car mechanics and doctors or local computer repairs or Electronic repairs do . .

you go to local computer shop they do the same. Nothing “making a mountain of a mole-hill

I called them again and the guy was angry , I told him it was a prank and I wanted to identify the scam kind.

He got emotional and said why cant you guys catch the real scammers who do outbound calls representing microsoft , those who do refund scams etc. He Said " The fact is we are making little or no business these days, we did good business till 2017, since then less calls and less business and its dead lately, we are just here to fullfill promise to our customers , we are bound because some customers have our contract till 2020 , 2021 . and we have to provide them support. we are a small company who has been providing support from 5 years and yes we do charge money but in return we give full value to the customer, yes we tell you virus and all initially so that you pay but you get value of whatever you pay by the end of your contract.”

I asked him if he has any proof that they have been in market from 5 years. He said"you can search this tollfree on google and will find posts from 2014 ,15,16)

He closed the call by saying " Our Intention has been good ,may be our initial method is not right , but our 90% customers are satisfied and get value of their money , we believe in a motto Your satisfaction is our success , we have 30 day refund policy , if customer is not satisfied within 30 days he can ask for refund and we refund with no questions asked"

I gave him my steam id to inform me if any scams in your knowledge