"Subscription has been expired on 5/12/2022.Your device is at RISK" SCAM

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Registered via NameCheap on April 25, 2022 (updated May 6, 2022) - Whois becomemoreefficient.nl


Associated Email Address - mibmsubnisjlggcjyfgq8scos5e1kxdgf5w8ntutaxshguqnoueaeghwr7xsci59xf4vzugk7uugildn7uymxpdykofk2eqe0yu2qxy6y8cdh88yox5nb0meenr9yzct93gg28ph8ie6sd4xynl8zngy2hnwaz1thpzpkw8exljv50tegutlxfqejboo2sbzf4eipt0t@gitechateauneuf.com

Registered by Blanchard David in Lons-Le-Saunier, France via Hosteur Sarl on October 8, 2012 (Updated October 9, 2021) - Whois gitechateauneuf.com

Associated Phone Number (FRANCE) - +33 336839314


Associated Email Address - [email protected]

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Scammers will also pose as the Home Depot claiming you won a brand new Makita Power Drill

Email took me to this site, https://www.logitourisme.com/ . Also located at the place he listed as his address, 11 Pl. de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, 39000 Lons-le-Saunier, France.

Listed this as the phone number on google. +33363672111, got this.