Student Loan Scam: 844-983-4934, 844-983-4931 and 844-952-4611

Scammer’s Number: (844) 983-4934, (844) 983-4931 and (844) 952-4611

A typical student loan scam. I called them around 4:45 PM CST and got humans. They sounded American.

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Another active number now is (844) 866-1433. I called them and got humans there at 10:40 AM CST.

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Just press 1,1,2,1 to bypass the bot.

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Thank you. These assholes are also mostly Americans scamming. Quite obnoxious!

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The criminal I reached with the last number posted was Hispanic, and she was dumb as a box of rocks. Like most criminals.

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Interesting. For some reason, I’ve mostly gotten guys there who sounded just North American, but I am sure they have a variety of scumbags answering using their dumb little script.

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4931 I got an American criminal who was a male at first, then a Latino male and Latino female.

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It is surreal that this scam has been going on for years - Student Loan Processing Center. It’s well-known.

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Now the bot is telling me “We are sorry to inform you, you have reached your daily limit.”

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I can’t get through to them. Some numbers are disconnected and others seem to have blocked me. UGH

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All three number indicated above are active as of 11 AM CST. They’re back to scamming.

They’re back at it. Other numbers they are using are: (833) 616-0560 and (833) 798-7999. You’d have to go through several prompts, but they’re answering eventually.