Student loan / mortgage 888) 501-3116

Scam Number: 888) 501-3116
Scammer’s Website or Email: robocall
Additional information about this scam: 888-501-3116 | 18885013116 - Phone Scam Alert! - Nomorobo

his is Joe with FES, Inc. This is a final courtesy follow up regarding an inquiry you had submitted some time ago regarding improving your credit score or removing any collection accounts or any derogatory remarks or any items that are holding you back from getting any type of successful approvals, whether it be for a mortgage loan, auto loan, personal loan, or any major credit cards. We have extremely effective strategies that can make a drastic difference with your credit score, and we utilize all the most recent updated laws when it comes to the Fair Credit Reporting act. So if you are interested or just simply want more information on how we can assist you with your credit report, please go ahead and press one. If you wish to be removed from the list, go ahead and press nine and we look forward to speaking with you. Enjoy the rest of your day