Student loan forgiveness scam

Scam Number: 951-262-6995 / 877-276-4684
Domain Used:
Extra Info: tell them that you are Dillon Parker from the microsoft technical support team level 3 technician and that you must connect to their computer due to russian hackers.

EDIT: This scam center is bigger than I thought. They have somehow gained access into the backend of a government website and are able to view your information. They also have registered a business in California.

EDIT2: filed a FTC complaint, im sure they’ll do nothing at all. Reference #149630058

EDIT3: The plot thickens!! found another fake website / business that they claim to be

Verified Docu Service | Document Preparation Service

THEIR BOSSES NAME IS KIMBERLY phone number 951-404-2563


Id look to look into this scam more but reckon ill have a hard time baiting them since im not from the US, if you want to message me back and ill see if there’s any more info i could get with the tools i have and even attempt to get the website they use shut down.


I posted here on the numbers I’ve found in the 951 - Riverside, CA area code alone
I’ve currently found 14,000 of these same things on numbers throughout many different area codes
They generally occupy an entire 1000 block of numbers from number ending 000 to the next 000
Nothing else apart from student loans or tax forgiveness garbage are within all these ranges every time.
Estimating how many could be out there is a real mystery
hundreds of thousands wouldn’t be a far stretch of the imagination at all


wow thats crazy. How are they even allowed to abuse the telephone system so blatantly?

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I’m so tired of this shit. Trying to run my business and answer the phone is just too much.

All of this loan forgiveness Bull shit and an getting nearly a million voicemails daily, makes it so hard to actually use my phone.