Ssn 1 888 215 6976

From: SSA Official534 [email protected]
Date: Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 9:19 AM
Subject: Warning Regarding your SSN (Case ID- SSA-30170302).
To: redacted

Hello! redacted:-

We are writing this to inform you that your services of SSN will be terminated due to fraud activities. 

get in touch with our SSN Support in case of any issue.
Do check your Suspension Notice attached below.
Your Case is SSA:-30170302.

Kind regards
Social Security Administration
United States of America



888-215-6976 Officer Jack Friday 6-2-23 1:07PM EST


I called this number, and I’m not even sure what’s happening, lol I know it isn’t over yet, though…

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The carrier is Bandwidth. They are quite responsive and should be able to help with taking it down Report a Phone Number - Bandwidth

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