SSA scam (845) 335-4872 "email"

Scam Number: (845) 335-4872
Scammer’s Website or Email: none
Additional information about this scam: Creating this post, today this group is doing emails. I do NOT Have it but a poster on guru reports this SSA scam.

Not sure what’s going on with my TN but cannot dial or receive calls. grrrrr

Using this email as background:


I play along but they keep hanging up.


Number posted on guru today:

(845) 335-4968

Answering as of 05:30PM EST, here is what the post says, it has a case ID “received this ph # in refence to a Social Security case no: SSA-9743718051. Looks like SSA-USA”

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Still answering

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845 335 4872 elizbeth could only say WHAT? after me asking my 17" question she didn’t say no, but the tease isn’t allowing me to call back again to get the answer, so someone ask if she could take on that size of bolagna pony she differently be happy answering the question.

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They want victim to convert their money to gold and send a mule to pick it up from victim.

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