SSA officer James (646) 504-6987 "bank fraud"

Scam Number: (646) 504-6987
Scammer’s Website or Email: None
Additional information about this scam: This is a callback number from a BoA scam leading to SSA.
This number is from the Social Security Administration Department, why do they always add ‘department’ to the end of everything!?

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Bank supervisor “Robert” wants to help me secure my account, same SSA group.

(410) 650-0501

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I just called the number. I’ve been on hold for 10 minutes and counting. Is this costing them money? :rofl:


Amazon scam… They change Amazon pwd after you give verification code.
Bank of America SSA 8333983864 hold music

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Damn at work":weary::angry::rage:"
And textnow and 2nd line shut me down​:rage::rage::rage::rage:

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8333983887 Amazon support refund Rick/Fred same man
New Delhi IP