Ssa (888) 994-5972

Not sure how well this work as Saul and I just finished up, but the direct line back in was 915-975-5947. Right now he is sending it to voicemail which is identified to someone named Issac. Definitely not a spoofed number as they told me to use it if we got disconnected.

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Yeah, the .eu made me laugh. I’ve reported the address to Zoho.


It is not a TextNow number. I see it is a VOIP number.

  • Phone Number: 915-975-5947
  • Date of this Report: September 05, 2023
  • Phone Line Type: VOIP
  • Phone Company: SINCH
  • Phone Location: EL PASO, TX

They sent me two variations of this email. The first one was to do Bitcoin, but then they corrected with a second one to do Escrow due to how much money I supposedly had in my accounts.


Sep 2022 notes
Talking to an Indian female. 100% SSA scam. Ana Wilson.
Saul Baranson.
Wants me to send cash by FedEx

Callback Ana Wilson 915-264-139


My first person was Rebecca White from the SSA, badge number SSA1121
I was then sent to Karen Tandy at the DEA, badge number 728015
Final person was Saul Baranson who claimed he was SSA when I asked, despite letter saying Department of the Treasury.


Oh, interesting last note. I just noticed the email about Bitcoin came from [email protected] while the one for escrow came from the .eu address.


Drat. Just now I called 844-572-1697, but I got the “Are you, or someone in your household, 50 years of age or older?” robo voice for the other type of scam.


That is interestin’ … a Japan domain for email and also a European email domain.


An ugly call from fake SSA Jadon Taylor


I’ve got news for this scammer, cannabis isn’t illegal everywhere.


What happened to the old “pound of cocaine in the Toyota Corolla with blood in the car on the southern border of Texas” script?
Me: Yes, I was bringing back to Texas some cocaine in the old Toyota Corolla.
Me: Yes, there was a significant amount of blood in the car. There was a snafu, or mishap if you will, in connection to a prostitute that I had in the car. I am not proud of it, but things happen.
Me: Sure, let the Sheriff’s Department know about my criminal behavior. We bribe them every month.

Yeah, I cannot believe they are mentioning cannabis in their script. I happen to live in a state that has Medical AND Recreational cannabis. At first it only had Medical, but just last year Recreational passed also; and this state is in the middle of the country in the midwest.

I suppose it is inevitable that the criminals change their scripts over time. I do miss the old and original SSA scammer script though!

These SSA scams are fun to bait!


I have had an SSA scammer on the hook for 11 days now, but I think it’s finally over. Got the number here.


That is awesome, @Tillianne!

I never had a call with a particular set of SSA scams drag out for so many days!

Back in the day, there were way more SSA scam numbers active.
I miss the ol’ days, but then again I am old and have become nostalgic in general.


I had no idea it would go on so long. I did take him through a short hospital stay, a hurricane, and a holiday weekend, though.


Yes, same here. Good work everyone.


Ahhh, but here’s where you’re mistaken, @Tillianne
Under US FEDERAL LAW you cannot purchase, grow, possess, sell, or ship cannabis. PERIOD. Individual STATES may legalize the possession/use but it’s still a criminal offense at the Federal level. So if you ship it (or have it shipped to you) you’re violating Federal Law. And if you’re shipping it internationally (e.g., Mexico to US) it’s Smuggling (18 USC 545), which is a BIG prison sentence.


I’m not mistaken. It may be illegal federally, but I was referring to individual states, there are legal recreational & medical states. I’m a legal medical cannabis patient. I know the laws, it is not illegal for me.


Refresh my memory, please. Did the Scammer not say the prohibited items were in a package in the US Mail/UPS/Fedex system ? That automatically makes it Federal.


My original comment stands. I originally said, it is NOT illegal everywhere, as I pointed out to you, and I would point out to them. Your comment went further, and I corrected YOU.

You: “Ahhh, but here’s where you’re mistaken, @Tillianne
Under US FEDERAL LAW you cannot purchase, grow, POSSESS, sell, or ship cannabis. PERIOD.”

I can have cannabis legally in my possession, so NOT period.

I feel like I’m talking to a scammer that doesn’t understand how things work in America.

NOT illegal for me to possess.