Spectrum scam (510) 757-9283

Scam Number: (510) 757-9283
Scammer’s Website or Email: robo
Additional information about this scam: Fake Spectrum

Hi, this is a service call from Spectrum. We would like to inform you that your spectrum equipment is outdated and needs to be replaced. Press one, then talk to a spectrum associate. If you have replaced the equipment in the last two months, simply hang up. Dear customer, spectrum is running a promotion to lower down our customers bills up to 50%. If you’re interested, please press one to speak with our promotion department. Thank you. Goodbye.

note: pre-recorded self talker

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This guy is an NPC lmfaoo

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This answer message is on thousands of numbers
There is dozens of other variants of things like this as well
Not that I know anything of course…just a wild guess


Older gentleman picked up the phone. Best to not call.