Spam Email From

Email sender: [email protected]
Email title: Re: domain errors

Dear Team at,

Not sure if you knew this but your website has some problems that you might want to consider looking into. I spent 2-3 minutes looking around and found:

- It doesn't work properly on Mobile Phones, at all (which is how people browse the web these days).
- It doesn't adjust properly when you resize the screen (Google recommends RESPONSIVE Websites rather than ADAPTIVE)
- It's hard to read on larger displays
- The design looks really, really dated compared to some of your competitors.

I actually do web design as a living so I figured I'd reach out and let you know there's serious room for dead easy(and affordable) improvement. If you would like, I can send you some of my previous work samples.

I can develop the website on a more advanced platform at an affordable price. That price also includes making it complete mobile responsive which will support all modern devices including all ranges of screen sizes.

Is that something you'd be interested in?

Thanks & Regards,

Sincere regards,
Mark Lee | Business Development Manager
Pulpsys LLP | [](
Phone: +1 (806) 275-9759

P.S-1: If you want to receive detailed plan of action, please feel free to reply "YES", We will get back to you with Details.

P.S-2: If you find this email unsolicited, please reply with "REMOVE" in the subject line and we will take care that you don't receive any further promotional mail.
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Thanks for inform about this incident! You must be feeling really overwhelmed right now and I understand that. I hope you accept my apology on behalf of the company.

I will immediately contact the Marketing Department to remove all your email ids so that this problem will not occur again.