Software Discount USA, LLC/Shop Software Keys, LLC, racist sellers of counterfeit products

Scam Number: 888-299-7641
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: Selling Fake Microsoft windows and office app. almost fake website’s reviews about products and services. Scamming people by offering fake software and tech support services

Domain Host: NameCheap
Domain IP: :canada:
Carrier: RingCentral
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: "Software
Technician: “Sam”

Software Discount USA, LLC fraudulently claims to operate from the address of their registered agent, Eric Wright from Henderson, Nevada. They are, however, listed as a partner on Microsoft Appsource

User complaints on their TrustPilot listing indicates patterns of fraudulent activity, such as:

The scammers also operate and, which share the same IP address of :us:, and, which is on the Hostinger IP address 2a02:4780:1:483:0:33d5:65ff:3 :us:. As “Shop Software Keys, LLC,” the scammers falsely claim to operate out of an apartment in Phoenix, Arizona and their registered agent from 8 the Green, Dover, Delaware.

The company has received a warning for breach of guidelines on their TrustPilot listing and have had several user complaints there and on their BBB and Google listings for

Associated Facebook Accounts:

Associated Instagram Accounts:

Associated LinkedIn Accounts:

Associated X Account -

Associated Phone Numbers:

  • (213) 316-8772 (Busy via Google Voice)
  • (302) 336-8474 (1st Point)

Associated Email Addresses:

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