Social Security Administration (Jamaican PCH scammers) 949-402-0390

These numbers have been used in conjunction with the Jamaican PCH scammers latest attempt at defrauding mainly US citizens for the last 4 days now.
Only the number used to robocall has been active, the number they direct victims to return calls to has been inactive.
I have reported both numbers to the Telnyx support team for fraudulent use.

I’m also tracking several other very professional PCH and Bank of America scams on toll free numbers, which are not being used with robocalling activity. These seem to possibly be attracting potential victims via mailouts or other means.
I’ve previously come across many instances of these extremely professional sounding menu recordings from PCH scammers, which make the real companies they are impersonating look like they’re imposters. They are light years away from the garbage, almost illiterate and inaudible robocall, ivr menu & voicemail recordings some of these twits use
There are some of these gangs are really upping the game and the victim ratio

9494020390 SSA

This call was from late yesterday afternoon

This is an official call from the Social Security Administration. This is in regards to an increase of $285 to your next month’s paycheck. However, there is a block on your account preventing update. If verification is not completed, all future payments will be on hold. To continue receiving your benefits, please update and verify your identity. Please contact the Social Security security Administration. Our contact number is 702-960-1390. Again, that is 702-960-1390. Thank you for clarity and assurance. This call is recorded and monitored. To speak to an agent now, please press one.

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This number looks to be down.

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Read what I typed and listed, that number was never active
try following along…it’s not that hard really

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Could it be that 702-960-1390 will only accept calls from numbers that 9494020390 has dialed?

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I’ve never had anything but the 702 - Las Vegas, Nevada number dropping each of the many hundreds of times I’ve tried calling it over that last several days
I have had an answer on the 949 - Irvine, California number around 35 times.
That’s when they turn the number back on after they’ve been belted with many hundreds of calls
Damned if I know how this terrible luck & hell fire seems to rain down on these shitheads constantly. :man_shrugging:

SSA Scammer called me back on 949-402-0390.

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Just rang for me. No one ever picked up, and didn’t go to VM.

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