"Sextortion warning: In 6 hours, my son was dead" - USA - (BBC NEWS UK Article)

Sextortion is the fastest-growing scam affecting teenagers globally and has been linked to more than 27 suicides in the US alone. Many of the scammers appear to be from Nigeria - where authorities are defending their actions and are under pressure to do more.


  • 2 years ago, Jordan was contacted by sextortion scammers on Instagram. They pretended to be a pretty girl his age and flirted with him, sending sexual pictures to coax him into sharing explicit photos of himself. They then blackmailed him for hundreds of pounds to stop them sharing the pictures online to his friends. Jordan sent as much money as he could and warned the sextortionists he would kill himself if they spread the images. The criminals replied: “Good… Do that fast - or I’ll make you do it." It was less than six hours from the time Jordan started communicating until the time he ultimately took his life.

  • "There’s actually a script online,” Jenn (Jordan’s Mother) told BBC News, from her home in Michigan, in the north of the US. "And these people are just going through the script and putting that pressure on. And they’re doing it quick, because then they can move on to the next person, because it’s about volume.” The criminals were tracked to Nigeria, arrested, and then extradited to the US. Two brothers from Lagos - Samuel Ogoshi, 22, and Samson Ogoshi, 20 - are awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to child sexploitation charges. Another Nigerian man linked to Jordan’s death and other cases is fighting extradition.

  • It’s feared that sextortion is under-reported due to its sensitive nature. But US crime figures show cases more than doubled last year, rising to 26,700 with at least 27 boys having killed themselves in the past two years. Researchers and Law Enforcement Agencies point to West Africa, and particularly Nigeria, as a hotspot for where attackers are based and In January, US cyber-company Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) highlighted a web of Nigerian TikTok, YouTube and Scribd accounts sharing tips and scripts for sextortion. Many of the discussions and videos are in Nigerian Pidgin dialect. It’s not the first time that Nigeria’s young tech-savvy population has embraced a new wave of cyber-crime.

  • The term Yahoo Boys is used to describe a portion of the population that use cyber-crime to earn a living. It comes from the early 2000s wave of Nigerian Prince scam emails which spread through the Yahoo email service. Dr Tombari Sibe, from Digital Footprints Nigeria, says cyber-fraud such as sextortion has become normalised to young people in the country: “There’s also the big problem of unemployment and of poverty. African human rights charity Devatop has said the current methods of handling sextortion in Nigeria have failed to effectively curb the practice. And a report, external from NCRI said that celebrating sextortion crimes are an established part of the internet subculture in the country.

  • In an exclusive interview with the BBC, the director of Nigeria’s National Cyber Crime Centre (NCCC) defended his police force’s actions, and insisted it was working hard to catch criminals and deter others from carrying out attacks. Uche Ifeanyi Henry said his officers were “hitting criminals hard” and said it is “laughable” that anyone should accuse Nigeria of not taking sextortion crime seriously. The NCCC director pointed to the fact that the government has spent millions of pounds on a state-of-the-art cyber-crime centre, to show it was taking cyber-crime seriously, especially sextortion. He said Nigerian teenagers are also being targeted, and he argued that the criminals were not just a Nigerian problem, with other sextortionists in south-east Asia. Tackling them would require global support, he said. With that in mind, the director and his technical team are this week visiting the UK’s National Crime Agency, which last month issued a warning to children and schools about a rise in sextortion cases. The visit is designed to improve collaboration on sextortion and other cyber-crime investigations. It follows similar recent meetings with Japanese police.

@OfclyGoodenough @scamterminator2021 @LordOfTheRings @JusticeinTexas @MajorLeeAwesome @Tillianne @drwat


The post has been moved to the News section of the Announcements category. According to the following Yahoo Canada article and Facebook video by Fox 17 in Western Michigan, three Nigerian individuals have been charged: Samuel (22) and Samson (20) Ogoshi and Ezekiel Ejemeh Robert (19).


  • The trio targeted over 100 American residents through the use of hacked Instagram accounts, deceiving them into sending explicit photos and threatening to share them if a $1,000 ransom isn’t paid off.
  • The three pled guilty after being charged with the conspiracy to sexually exploit minors and to distribute child pornography, and Samuel Ogoshi has also been charged with sexual exploitation and attempted sexual exploitation of a minor.
  • Samuel faces a maximum possible sentence of life in prison, while Samson and Ezekiel each face a maximum possible sentence of 60 years.