Scammer Roulette (570) 870-4845

Scam Number: (570) 870-4845

Idiots cold called my actual house phone (on the DNC) to tell me that my Norton is going to auto renew.
They answered twice as Norton, now it’s going to the old $100 rewards card. Indian scammers


Carrier: Coretel
Status: Parked for pick-a-scam


I called and spoke to Cynthia. I told her my name was Syphillus Straine. It was Very hard not to laugh every time she called me Syphillus! I gave her a fake CC #, then she wanted me to record my name address and cc on the IVR. I told her I’d have to call her back, and said “oh no! My dog is bleeding from the mouth! I have to go take him to the vet! She replied “Oh my gord!” and was mad. She said she will call me tomorrow for me to do the IVR. I will have my fake info written down by then, unless you guys are able to take them down sooner.


:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::laughing::laughing::joy::joy::rofl::rofl: They aren’t the brightest bulb in the candelabra, are they?


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That is hysterical. I love using names that they cannot pronounce no matter how hard they try like Svetlana Popololovich.