Scammer Mail Be Alert Everyone!

Re: ⚖️ Official Court Order Warning ⚖️

From Mail : [email protected]
[email protected]

Ref: No. 00829-34-09/YMN-GPI8/2024
Office Of The Commissioner Of Police
Cybercrime Cell / Computer Centre
Police Headquarters,
MSO Building, J.P. Estate, New Delhi 110002.


This is to inform you of the attached alleged court order against your
Internet IP traffic by the Central Bureau of Investigation, Department
of Research and Analysis Wing.

It is quite unfortunate to turn your official or private Internet to a
juvenile pornographic movie cyber.

The Central Bureau of Investigation works in partnership with the Police
Cybercrime Special Units in handling all complex and sensitive cases of
cybercrime, especially when the victims are women and minor children.

Our laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art spider/crawling
digital software and equipment, having forensic capabilities such as
extraction of deleted data from hard drives and mobile phones, imaging
and hash value calculation, forensic servers and portable forensic tools
for on-site examination, facility to extract data from latest Android or
IOS as well as Chinese phones.

Based on the above, it is extremely difficult for any victim to
consciously or unconsciously visit juvenile pornographic sites without
being digitally captured.
More information or clarification on the court order will be made
available to you upon receipt of your response within 24 hours; our
office operates 24 hours / 7 days.
Be assured that serious legal action will be taken against you if you
fail to respond to this notice within 24 hours of receipt.
To forewarn is to forearm.

Ritambra Prakash (ACP/CB)
For Deputy Commissioner Of Police
Cybercrime Cell / Computer Centre
Police Headquarters,

Copy to:

  1. Section Officer (UTS-II), GOI/MHA, New Delhi.
  2. So/Ps To CP/Delhi.
  3. Inspr./Cr/Estt. And Intelligence Bureau /PHQ
  4. I/C Computer Centre/PHQ
  5. Acs-R, Vii And Computer Cell/CB

With deep respect, we expected you to be someone who would set a good example for the public; unfortunately, our analysis of your Internet protocol now shows the opposite.
To consciously or unconsciously participate in a crime of this magnitude is undoubtedly misleading and a disgrace to your personality. You may not understand what is about to unfold against you until it begins to spread on social media.

IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE in juvenile cases because the laws have been made worldwide to protect our children who are the future of the nation.

This is not a kind of crime to submit yourself for further investigation in our office because our team of experts has completed their digital analysis on your IP address and all the evidence against you will be presented in court.
For the clarity of the court order, your IP address, the manufacturer of the device, the website visited, the date, year and time of the online crime will be made available to you in court.

Due to advances in digital technology, the use of TOR network, EMULE network, VPN or any IP changing software cannot bypass the security walls of our sophisticated equipment. If you are unaware of how unsuspecting online users are lured into visiting pornographic sites, you may consciously or unconsciously be redirected to them by visiting any of the links below.

Free Dating Sites | Free Online Games Sites | Search Engine Sponsored Links

Advertisement Links | Online Adult Porn Sites | Online Lottery Sites

Online Cheese Sites | Online Gym or Fitness Sites | Online Viagra Sites | Google search with sponsored links.

Be reminded that this is not a private matter to start asking for forgiveness or suggesting what you want.
Communicating with you privately is to make sure you will not carelessly jeopardize your long-built image/profile before the public, the truth is that you have violated the laws of the land, and the consequences must follow. If I have forgiven you, the law does not forgive violators.
Having said that, it’s obvious that you’re not familiar with the child cyber pornography/grooming laws that can put you behind bars if you’re not careful.
Are you not aware that child pornography and grooming are abhorred worldwide? If you are committing a crime in secret, remember that the law will catch up with you one day and that’s why we advise people to stay away from any kind of crime.

If you feel this is a false accusation against you, we will provide the court with copies of your IP traffic printouts and copies of the forensic analysis captured by our team of professionals.
We don’t know you, and there is no way we would randomly accuse you of such a serious and shameful allegation, because our first responsibility is to protect the citizens of the country. If you want to go to court, I will simply transfer your case file to the court for immediate prosecution, but if you want me to help you, I can help you; the choice is yours.
The alleged crime may seem simple to you, but its consequences can be disastrous in terms of career, academic, social, marital and political status for anyone.

By law, 24 hours after the forensic report is printed, your case file should be submitted to the court for immediate prosecution, but I have taken it upon myself to contact you personally because I understand what this can cause or jeopardize in your long-established posterity.
If you wish to amicably disassociate yourself from this shameful act before it goes to court, which will later become viral in the media and on the Internet, I would advise you to choose one of the following two options that best suits your interest.

(1) - TRIAL: The court will take all necessary measures to punish you with a heavy fine or conviction and imprisonment. The court will also publicize the case to discourage others from doing the same.

(2) - OUT-OF-COURT SETTLEMENT: This option gives you an opportunity to settle the matter amicably within the Cybercrime Department by paying a fixed settlement fee of Rs. 65,000 /- as required by law.

Once we hear from you, appropriate action will be initiated as per your choice from the above options.
I believe I have made myself clear and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to let me know when you reply to this message.
Note: Failure to respond to this message will result in immediate legal action against you within 2 business days.

Mr. Prashant Gautam,
Police/Chief of Police
Prosecutor over minors and Offenses related to cyber crime.
National Highway- 8 Mahipalpur, New Delhi India - 110037

We want to acknowledge receipt of your mail and reference request for the court settlement.
That is a wise decision to end this shameful crime that can destroy your image before the public, especially your family. one thing I promise you is that I will try my best to save your career so that it does not affect your personal life.
So, listen very carefully, I have a discussion with the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) management department in the office to consider, you to enable this case to end and be automatically closed. which have approved that they will receive your settlement fee of RS 65,000 to our office bank account as soon as possible.

I already forwarded a copy of a letter to our office to Shri Deepak Virmani, Secretary of Indian Cyber Crime to remove your Case file not to be sent or transferred to the Tribunal for immediate prosecution, so we made an agreement that your payment will be sent to our office.

So we advise you to make this payment immediately, We are waiting for your urgent payment response now, Send proof of payment as soon as you make the settlement payment for proper accounting and documentation purposes.So failing not to do that your case file will not be transferred out from our office.
Here is the below bank account information to make the payment as soon as possible.

That’s an interesting scam, haven’t seen one like it before. If you want to share the bank details privately, feel free to DM and I could try to send them over to folks that can get them reported.

Please don’t share them publicly since it may belong to a victim whose account is being used unknowingly.

feel free to DM and I could try to send them over to folks that can get them reported.