Hello! So for awhile now I have been calling this one number for scambaiting and I always mess with them.
I want to do more now. I want to be able to get access to their computer somehow without them knowing and I want to be able to watch them 24/7 and get their files.
Does anyone know how to do this? If someone could teach me I would greatly appreciate it.
Turn on vpn
Run cmd as administrator
Type “sudo enter mainframe”
Enter target (not the store)
Press “watch this computer”
But be careful, you could accidentally enter a innocent computer and get in trouble
Are you running cmd as administrator AND using sudo on commands? I’m not sure why its not working, thats double the privileges and no computer can deny that.
You might have to download windows drivers from the internet.
If that fails i suggest posting on stack overflow and asking how to enter the main frame. They can give some more detail.
Do you have Discord? I am new to this I am just looking to learn right now not actually execute anything until I know some things. I think if I add you on Discord it might be easier to talk to you and you can help me.