Scamazon - 888 319 6525

Haha, I just looked up the meaning of it. I’ll kick his a!s!



Thank you!!! These gandhus are pretty spicy!!! LOL
(410) 575-4705 the bank will arrest me for drug traficking :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Just now I called (410) 575-4705. A guy answered with a very ANGRY hello.

Me: “Awww, what’s wrong, c@!ksucking criminal? Are you not having as much fun as we have each and every second of each and every minute of each and every hour of each and every day of each and” but then he hung up without saying anything further.

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855-515-8546 Still Active Annie Friday 11-4-22 1:21PM EST

This number is still active, speaking to them now :smiley:

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holy sheet its still active :rofl::rofl::rofl: they must be hurting for money bad

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888-319-6525 Sean Monday 11-7-22 4:37PM EST

these scammers are live on this number now (888) 319-6351

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This number is working (888) 319-6351