Scam on peak

Scam Number: (Redacted)
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: There is a 91 year old lady being scammed on behalf of pop up and she already have given almost $400,000. Now she is willing to give more of her investments which she recently got liquidated that is $325,000. She is not ready to believe that she is being scammed and does believe that she is talking to real FTC OR SSA. Have shared the victims number her name is (Redacted) the guy she is being scammed by is James he is from India, New Delhi I can share his contact details too. Her home address is .(Redacted)

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I’ve removed all the victim info out of here but I’ve passed this on to victim advocates.


Good call on what you done

DM me about the New Delhi scammer

Is ot being taken care of? Was the information correct?

Is there any other way to contact you, we could do with extra info are you alright with me sharing your account email to our victim help team

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