Scam Number: 650-646-7591 callback number (616-384-5894)
Scammer’s Website or Email: This was a targeted email to me, I altered some of the details…
Additional information about this scam:
Account Security Alert
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|### [email protected]|10:28 AM (1 hour ago)||
| — | — | — |
|to me
This is John from Robinhood support.
I’m happy to help you out with your account. For security purposes, *we are putting restrictions on your robinhood account . you need to call us to fix it. we’ll need you to verify some account information. Please respond to this email with the following information or call us on given number +1650-646-7591 for more information:
Your first and last name
Open your Bank account and check deposit from Robinhood
The last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
Your phone number
Your date of birth
You need to open this link and follow the steps asked by the agent and the code to join this link will be your registered mobile number 832-000-0000 please join the secure server of Robinhood.
Thanks for helping me verify your account.
Case ID: 21189549