Extra Info: Does anyone have more infos on belugafares.com and ticketsupportdesk.com , I and two of the members , We contacted the Voip provider that provides them and we informed them about the scam service and they disconnected 4 phone numbers for them :
Is there anyone in India who could give us more informations ?
Do they use another phone, and do they have another website …
They scammed a lot of Canadians and also Americans , and that’s why we are here !
I talked with one of the supervisors , his Fake Name is Nate ( Nathan ) , and I asked him where they’re located and He said in NY and I asked him what is the capital of NY and he hang up lol .
If they’re legit , they will provide NUWAVE ( The Voip Provider ) the informations that they need !
888 481 3982 nicholas in delaware or should I say delawear at the travel agency is looking for some call out harassing, pussies will not pick up my phones any more.