Scam Number: 646-492-8705
Domain Used:
Extra Info: call back from the many i called but not in search for this site… If can get info asked for wrb site acted like didnt hear me they block can barely understand them.
Please check into this i will too
Hmmm got name attached to this. That’s all i can find. name Mahfujul Islam
in Buffalo NY …
both 716#s attached to this doesn’t work
Says 646 area code Atlanta Ga … Its NY
gonna fish it a sec
what more is there to this number? I get it’s a call back, but what more info can be provided? What company is this, what do they claim to be, how is this a scam? Googling the number finds nothing
yes yes i know they wont give web site
has a name why would it have name ? nothing on google nothing on other sites
cant get thru know … They block …
Help provide this all i got . … Name attached
how do i dig further ?? …
go through the full call and get them to send an email to you. Usually gets some info on them
Says no web site
Says he gonna arrest me …
Sitting here …says web site now 20 min later.
Went thru full call … 30 min trying say LBF TRAVEL is his web site and other one web site … Can someone send a email ?
Can travel businesses have NO web site
and stlill run.?
Dead. Changed #
he probably knows you posted his number on the site and was fucking with you
But ALL travel agencies have web sites right or its not legit right???
and phone numbers that match on site right?? And a valid brick and mortar address not a house right?To be a legitimate business right? What proof do u Actually NEED??
Having a website is not essential for any business at all, sure in some cases it can be sketchy, but that isn’t proof of a scam. And having a number that matches ones on a website? No, doesn’t really need that. I’m sure Amazon has plenty of numbers that they don’t list on their website. Hell, I probably came across a legitimate Coinbase support number that isn’t on their website. Lastly, no, a residential house as a business location is not indicative of a scam. Like before, it’s sketchy and shady as all hell usually, but renting out office spaces virtually is a real thing that people can do, probably a good side hustle tbh.
Ok explain how do u know then Chronus
How do U know if it legitamite or not i want to know.
I am not saying it’s legit or not, I don’t know anything about this number asides from what you have posted here. And so far, you haven’t really shown it’s a scam either. So, no one can say if it is a scam or not until more stuff about this number is provided, which like usual, you did not provide…
like literally all you have provided about this number is the number itself, a link to a company that claims to not be operating anymore, and a tale about you being out witted by probably some Indian dude and his wife trying to start up a travel agency in some house on the outskirts of some major Indian city
Ok what do i provide chronus for proof u cant tell me that?? How DO I PROVE IT??? its legitamite ?or not how do U PROVE IT ?
For someone who has been posting scams for a long ass time, the fact you even have to ask this is just, bizarre.
Show evidence they scam people, show evidence of impersonation, show evidence they commit fraud, show evidence they lie, deceive, show evidence of anything illegal?? Simply cold calling someone does not mean they are a scam. If that was true I would be harassing Concast right now.
Um the number is dead thats proof he didnt swidle anybody dude--
shutting off a number that someone is calling you and harassing you isn’t proof of anything. If he doesn’t start the number up again, congrats you killed a number with nothing to show if it was a scam company or legitimate…
Um what use my CC show that they used it illegally… use my personal info … how do i prove they fraud me? … if it false info i give
Is that how u prove by using your own shit see if they use it illegally or whatever
If you really need to ask this information Draco, I highly suggest you stop how you scambait. Stick to posts and numbers that people already know is a scam. You clearly don’t know how to discern if something is a scam or not, and you need other people to help you out. Posting every number that calls you up that says they are a travel agency and you saying they are a scam, is not how you go about it, and I know that you are on your last strike with the moderators. So I don’t think it’s in your best interest to keep posting numbers that have zero evidence of being a scam. If you need help discerning if something is a scam, there are tags on here that are meant to be used for that, and ask in the post for help discerning if it is a scam or not.
Ya i do … All the time … And why last strike because i ask questions? Why Last strike