Registered via NameCheap on July 27, 2020 (Updated July 18, 2021) - Whois
Popup redirects to
Registered via GoDaddy on September 17, 2020 (Updated April 15, 2021) - Whois
Requires users to provide the following information to be shared with 6 marketing partners (including Rocket Mortage) before being provided a list of “lenders”
- Home type
- Credit score
- Est. home value
- Remaining mortage balance (Min. $50,000)
- Cash out
- Military status
- If you have a FHA loan
- Employment status
- Home address
- Email address
- Name
- Phone Number
ReallyGreatRate, Inc. is a BBB-accredited business with an A+ grade and customer complaints about bogus marketing. The company has also gone under the name of
Associated Facebook Account - RGR Marketing | Facebook
Associated LinkedIn Account - RGR Marketing: Overview | LinkedIn
Associated Twitter Account - RGR Marketing (@RGRMarketing) / Twitter
Associated Phone Number - (310) 540-8900
"For a dial-by-name directory, press #. For sales, press 1. If you are an affiliate, press 2. If you would like to speak with a representative, press 0.
Associated Email Address - [email protected]
Associated Physical Addresses:
8605 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite #44092, Los Angeles, CA 90069-4109
2041 Rosecrans Suite 320, El Segundo, CA 90245
423 S Pacific Coast Hwy # 202, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
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