RE: Your Wallet will be suspended and your assets will be frozen!

Scam Number:
Scammer’s Website or Email: (Blogspot has disabled it)
Additional information about this scam:

Email Body:

TrustWallet requires all users to verify their wallets in order to comply with KYC regulation

This must be done before 08/01/2023 as a regulated financial services company,

We are required to verify all wallets on our platform.

We require all customers to verify their wallets to continue using our service.

What if I don’t complete the wallet verification ?

If you don’t verify your wallet,your wallet will be restricted and your assets will be frozen.

Verify your wallet

Best, TrustWallet

Clínica Trsut Wallet

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Looks like Google has already added the site to its warning list for phishing and Blogspot has already killed the page.