Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes 888-668-1594

8886681594 PCH claim code 314838


Robocall :arrow_down:

Secure phone call from Publisher Sweepstakes at 101 Winner Circle, Jericho, New York, 11753. You’re a selected winner with Publisher Sweepstakes in association with Windstar International. Your claim code is 314838. I repeat, 314838. This represents the grand prize package of $3.5 million and the most awesome bonus price ever. A brand new 2023 model MercedesBenz car. Please call our claim department at 888-668-1594. Again, that’s 888-668-1594. We’ll be expecting your call for clearance. There will be agents available to assist with your delivery schedule time.

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888-668-1594 Male VM Tuesday 5-2-23 8:16PM EST

888-668-1594 Still Active James Carter Wednesday 5-17-23 9:26PM EST

888-668-1594 Still Active VM Thursday 7-27-23 9:23PM EST