Publishers Clearing House 941-770-0529

9417700529 PCH claim code 0711


Robocall :arrow_down:

This is an official notice from Deborah Holland, senior VP, the Publisher’s Clearing House. Congratulations. We are proud to inform you of your winnings in our monthly mega promotions. Your name was chosen from a list of participants where you emerged first place winner of $5,000 per week for life. For information about properly claiming your prize, please contact our claims office at 941-770-0529. You will need your PCH winning numbers to claim your award. Your winning numbers are PCH 0711. Thank you for making it publishers Clearing house. Goodbye.

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Left details also a IP grabber @sandbar

Shitty voicemail.

941-770-0529 VM Sunday 3-12-23 4:12PM EST