Publishers Clearing House 800-539-9462

8005399462 PCH

This number first started robocalling a few weeks ago on, Tuesday, 24 January 2023
It has been robocalling again today and now it functions properly and the dickhead is answering right now! :+1:

is it Daaaave Sayers thats picking up? I think I had an encounter with Andrew Goldberg already this morning.


I never listen to any of them in the slightest. Not a single word, unless their stolen fake name names me laugh at how fucking ridiculous they sound.
I find hundreds of refund, tech support, popup or these idiots every day of the week.
Speaking to them is a waste of my time and I never waste my time.
I’m at well over ten thousand calls already today just searching for them to hand off to my teammates, who are busy costing them a fortune in toll free costs before they either take their numbers down or their equipment goes BANG!!
They understand that better than the understand or pretend to speak English.
The rules are being enforced with extreme prejudice.
One of my dialers just ran into another little block of them in the 844 prefix… what a shame…they’re heading home earlier than they planned.


They probably getting ready for Japanese maybe Australian shift probably for the tech support

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Told me that they sent out a bunch of vm by mistake. What an idiot.


wow that doesn’t surprise me


I always spell idiot with capital letters FUCKWIT at the beginning. :joy:

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I am calling from different numbers and now he is telling me that he is going to clean out my bank account. I just laughed at him.


They hate when I say they are gay and describe what they do with their little brothers.

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I do believe that happened to a call centre which fell down in a major way yesterday.
I was going through the mountains of documents and data from a whole call centre server and everything connected to it last evening… victim contact numbers, with bank accounts, credit cards, teamviwer, ultraviewer, anydesk and screen wise connect passwords and logins…I stumbled across a few crypto wallets and their sets of passwords.
Guess what?
The FUCKWIT idiots don’t have access to any of the wallets anymore. :astonished:
I wonder how that happens to them almost every day. :thinking:
It’s a damn mystery to me and I bet if they continue to play big boy games, they continue to lose every time. :white_check_mark:

Infiltrate…relieve them of everything…render every computer to scrap value in need of formatting and reinstalling everything from ground level… take them offline so they cannot communicate and steal a cent from anyone.
Zero victims and furious dumbarsed scam clowns is the word. :+1:

I’m going to catch that quick nap one of these days.
Thank goodness for slow day Sundays!!

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Had Daaaave Sayers on the line for 20 mins. Wanted $3,500 from me told him I only had $900. I said would send him a check he gave me a name for the check no address. He then got really pissed at me and was coming to my house to get the money. My address is the same as the police station address!!!

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They are really pissed! Scammer put his phone down for 30 mins…lots of background noise.

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