Publishers Clearing House 631-980-0573

6319800573 PCH prize pin is 4149

Voicemail of the one and only Dave Sayer (in a pretend office full of many different Dave Sayers) [size=5]:thinking:[/size]

You. Congratulations. You have been chosen as the Publisher’s Clearinghouse first category winner in our grand prize promotion to receive $10 million, 10,000 weekly for life. Also 500,000 in raw green cash and a 2023 Mercedes Benz car. To claim your prize, please press one or call our office number at 631-980-0573. I repeat, 631-980-0573 and present your name and prize. Pin. Your prize pin is 4149. Congratulations and welcome on board to Financial Freedom. Thank you for playing with the Publisher’s Clearinghouse.