6192452299 PCH David Webb
This number used to send out these robocalls dates back to Monday, 3 January 2022, making it almost 14 months old and still active.
9172812657 PCH David Webb
This is a new number
Congratulations. This is David Webb from Reader’s Digest Sweepstakes. You’re this month’s lucky winner of five. $500,000. Claim your prize by calling 917-281-2657. Once again, that’s 917-281-2657. If you reach the voicemail box, leave a detailed message for us to call you back with more information about your prize. Thank you. Congrulations. This is David Webb from Reader’s Digest Sweepstakes. You’re this month’s lucky winner of $5,500,000. Claim your prize by calling 917-281-2657. Once again, that’s 917-281-2657. If you reach the voicemail box, leave a detailed message for us to call you back with more information about your prize. Thank you. Bye.
Still actively robocalling with this number for dopey David Webb
9293390424 Readers Digest Sweepstakes David Webb
Voicemail David Webb
6192452299 Readers Digest Sweepstakes David Webb
The idiot is active right now on this very old number
Congratulations. This is David Webb from Readers Digest Sweepstakes. You’re this month’s lucky winner of $5,500,000. Claim your prize by calling 929-339-0424. Again, that’s 929-339-0424. If you reach the voicemail box, please leave a detailed message for us to call you back with more information about your prize. Thank you. Congratulations. This is David Webb from Readers Digest Sweepstakes. You’re this month’s lucky winner of $5,500,000. Claim your prize by calling 929-339-0424. If you reach the voicemail box, please leave a detailed message for us to call you back with more information about your prize. Thank you.