This number was robocalling since yesterday early afternoon.
I drove this idiot insane with a lot of calls into the evening last night and again from early this morning.
He didn’t like it much at all.
5854087258 PCH claim code 400341?
[color=][size=4]VERY ANGRY SINGLE CELL ORGANISM!![/size][/color] [size=5][/size]
Hello. Good day. My name is Janet Watson calling on behalf of the PCH. It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been selected as the second place winner of $7.9 million cashier’s check, $10,000 every month for life and a 2023 Mercedes Benz car. Your claimed number is 400341?. Security reasons of PCA transfer your balance to the US Unclaimed department to process your award. To claim your prize, please contact the claim department at 585-408-7258 again. 585-408-7258. Once again, congratulations and may God bless you.
Hello. Good day. My name is Janet Watson calling on behalf of the PCH. It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been selected as the second place winner of $7.9 million cashier’s check, $10,000 every month for life and a 2023 Mercedes Benz car. Your claim number is 400341. Now for security reasons the PCH transferred your balance to the US Unclaimed department to process your award. To claim your prize, please contact the claim department at 585-408-7258 again. 585-408-7258. Once again, we say congratulations and may God bless you.