Publishers Clearing House 202-717-9449

2027179449 PCH claim code 4747


Robocall :arrow_down:

Congratulations. This is Deborah Holland, the [color=]“Voice”[/color] president here at the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes and Lottery Company. We are proud to inform you from our house to yours as you were selected as our first place grand promotion super prize. Winner of a whopping $18.5 million and a brand new SUV, Mercedes Benz and a bonus prize of $7,000 each and every week from our cash for life promotion. Your confirmation number is 4747. Again, that’s 4747. Please give us a call for further information on your prize winnings at 202-717-9449. Again, that’s 202-71-7949. Thanks for making it publishers Clearinghouse, where dreams comes to reality. Goodbye.

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202-717-9449 VM Wednesday 6-7-23 6:06PM EST