Provarin Megascam

Scam Number: 18002483735
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: this is a scam for a (i believe) male enhancement drug called Provarin… almost on a DAILY BASIS i get a text (which appears to be automated) from a woman named “Amy.”

Ive been receiving these texts for several months… finally im posting about it since ive recently dived into it.

Heres an image of a daily text I recieve… when you call the number, its always an “american sounding” woman that answers - speaks pretty solid english:

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I’d like a dollar for every time this has had a thread made for it or is already in one of those threads

I’d have $3 dollars now!!! Woohoo

Instead of constantly spending every cent finding and taking call centres down at my own expense to save EVERY victim before there even is a victim.
Not play Russian roulette, hoping to stop a scam from 30 yards behind, once the victim is parting with their cash

active in the evening too

800-248-3735 Dave Friday 4-14-23 9:39PM EST


@jchillin111 ever get any further on this? Did you ever find the underlying people? I’m working on a possible lawsuit over this.