Popupdb.org has been discontinued

Source - Research into Tech-Support-Scams | PopupDB.org

NOTE: The Popup generator is still active at PopupDB Generator

"The PopupDB Project has been collecting data about Tech-Support-Scams and their popups since 2018.
Now it’s time to go a different way, since it is no more possible for me to maintain the project as it was before.

In order to still fulfill the needs of the community and the main idea of the project,
I am releasing the complete data of 2 1/2 years collecting popups.

This includes the databases, source codes and screenshots.

I would like to thank the entire team, that helped us with moderating, reporting, approving, baiting and making decisions.
Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to maintain the project at all.

Thanks to everyone who searched, reported popups and researched the scammers behind them.

And lastly, thanks to everyone else who was a part of this project.

It was a pleasure.

  • choozn"