"Police Conference of New York" - (716) 670-8032



Hello? Hi Good evening this is Joe calling for the police conference of New York. Sir, the reason for my call, the police conference which represents 229 local PBH and 25,000 police officers throughout the state just kicked off their yearly benefit drive and it’s a paid fundraiser for Community Cares, we’re sending out to new pledge kit and decal to all supporting residents. The goal of the drives to help provide up to date training for law enforcement as well as benefits and financial assistance to the families of these member officers now sir when you receive your pledge kit and decal can these officers count on your one time support?


This “Joe” bot has been around for a long time. A lot of political PAC morons use it.

I got on with Tom then mans said he was gonna “transfer me” but he just lowered his voice pitch a little and said his name was Caleb. already blocked my number

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