Pig Butchering Scam

Scam Number: 310-400-5302
Scammer’s Website or Email: www.bcgrorx.com/www.bcgrort.com
Additional information about this scam: Boss was scammed by this woman. Said she had an uncle that did “node” trading and basically had signals of when BTC would move. Classic pig butchering scam with a fake crypto website. The bcgrorx.com site is the main site for trading the other site is where you go to download a mobile config file for the site. I have multiple photos of this woman that he took on videocall. If anyone can help to identify her in anyway. Filled out the appropriate forms already but doubt they will do anything. Anyways, thanks to you all!



Carrier: Inteliquent via TextPlus. Lenny was deployed and the agent sounded Nigerian.

bcgorx.com and bcgort.com were registered in England via GFName on February 21, 2024 - Whois bcgrorx.com Whois bcgrort.com

The scammers also have a fake mobile app, which can be downloaded from https://app.xayxsprm.cyou/, which was registered in Nunavut, California on March 23, 2024 (Updated March 28, 2024) - Whois xayxsprm.cyou