PCH scammers ARRESTED, one to be deported back to Jamaica!

On February 4, 2025, the Bay County Sheriff’s Office in Florida, with assistance from the United States Postal Service (USPS), arrested Jamaican nationals Brandon Maxwell (23) and Bethany Campbell (18) for facilitating a PCH scam against an elderly woman. How their scam worked was:

  • The scammers will directly contact their victims and falsely claim they won a car and millions of dollars in a sweepstakes.
  • The victim would be asked to pay an “activation fee” in the form of cash, money orders and gift cards.
  • The fee would be delivered as a package to an apartment complex on Walosi Way in Panama City Beach.

The two were arrested and booked in the Bay County Jail for their scheme to defraud. Maxwell is also on hold for ICE due to entering the country illegally, and will be deported back to Jamaica after the charge is settled.



Don’t deport them, put them in an American prison!


Put them in prison, then deport them both!


Campbell has lawful permanent residency within the US, so she cannot be deported.


She’s only 18, but able to be tried as an adult.


Well, she sure can be deported by a denaturalization process. It’s not used very often, but it can be used.
Permanent residents of the US can and do get deported for committing certain crimes and especially felonies.


Guantanamo Bay!


I think prison isn’t enough to truly punish all these foreigners coming into the country illegally to just harass and defraud our most vulnerable people! Our country should create forced labor camps, arrest this scum and make them work for a bare minimum of food and water until their debt to our nation is repaid. They could also be sent to other nations to fight their wars in exchange for monetary compensation paid to us. THAT would make all these gangbangers and rapist think twice before coming here!

I’m so sick and tired of millions of people from Central and South America, India and Middle East, Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa coming here illegally to just defraud and rob our people or deal drugs and commit acts of terror. I wish we had people with PhD Degrees from Sweden, Germany or the UK coming here… Instead, we tend to get the filthiest and nastiest disease-ridden criminal scum.


I agree. I would even take Ukrainians over the scum we have let it. Absolutely disgusting how they come here and steal from us plus steal public services. End all aid to other countries, too. India gets 16 billion a year plus the 10 they steal while our veterans are homeless on the street or our victims of natural disasters get pennies. So sick of us coming last in our own country.


Agreed. I’d take any Eastern European persons over these beautiful “treats” that we have been accommodating here. It seems like our lovely bleeding-heart liberal politicians have been so busy playing house with hordes of said “refugees” (most of whom are criminally-minded able-bodied young males, by the way) that they totally forgot about their electorate. Never mind that we, US taxpayers, are paying for all that nonsense. And then India, Pakistan and the Philippines with all their perennial scams and cybercrimes are officially considered our “allies”. Well, with amazing “friends” like these, who needs enemies?


India is so corrupt. The scammers kickback a percentage of what they take in to the police and the government so that they can operate with impunity. Every so often they do a “bust” for show but that is what it is as the call center is back in business a week later. They are over here, too. Some foreign nationals here on Visas or illegals are their money mules. And then all the other illegals taking American jobs and driving down wages. Have you noticed the rich people who want all these people here for cheap labor never take any of them into their homes? Not in their backyard.


According to NBC News, scam calls from India alone cost Americans 16 billion dollars in 2023 and 18 billion in 2024.
Not one dollar of that money helps the people of India. There is no tax paid on any foreign money in the country of India.
It’s almost as if they encourage, if not reward this behavior

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And if you add Pakistan and the Philippines into the mix, the total amount lost to scammers by US people amounts to almost 50 billion dollars. Are we the only ones seeing the ongoing issue here?

Our leaders must show stronger will and determination to put an end to all that. I don’t care what they do exactly - diplomatic pressure, sanctions, drone strikes or special military operation - but our people must be the priority over these foreign criminals. You know, we can easily bomb Manila into the Stone Age and bankrupt Pakistan and India within weeks. However, it would require some balls, which sadly modern US and European politicians lack…

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I couldn’t possibly agree with you more. The US taxpayers send 16 billion dollars of our money to India every year. That needs to end. Or tell India (and others) that we will still send them the money, but deduct every scam dollar taken from US citizens. That would stop this or slow it to a trickle in a month. They could also do what the Nordic countries do not allow any area code in their country to be used by any foreign nation without an application and proof that they are a legitimate business.
It really is that easy.

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Ireland and Baltic nations do the same thing too. You cannot call their citizens UNLESS your business is physically located there, you can prove it and operate a local set of phone numbers. They are absolutely right. What business exactly do Filipino or Pakis have calling us daily non-stop, except for illegal telemarketing without Prior Written Consent and scamming?

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I am so happy when they busted these son of bitches
I’m so happy to see these guys busted I don’t want them in jail I want them in Quantum Bay
I want to see him get tortured everyday 7 days a week
don’t set them back to their country don’t leave them in here in the United States
if I got my hands on these guys they’re not going to like it
well they’re probably going to get killed in jail
you do not mess with the elderly
you deserve the death sentence
they should all be hung for this crime they committed
does everybody have a personal opinion about this
I would love to hear from you
anybody else can pull up all the court documents on this