PCH scammers +1 845 932 3463

Scam Number: +1 845 932 3463. I got George Miller. If asked for a claim number try 4149.

This new number is 35 days old
There’s never been a claim code on any of the robocalls associated with this number, whether it is the caller ID used with their other numbers, or the number to call outright.

there’s also this one

This idiot and his cohorts have a lot of numbers, both active and inactive.
This number is nearly always actively answered by David Washington, who has left his phone sitting on top of the chicken coop and now that grifter George Miller has stolen it while he was in menacing the chickens late one night, sharing quality time with his favourite office boy, the rooster. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

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