PCH scam (754) 240-2831

Scam Number: (754) 240-2831
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam: PCH scammer Tony Jones / " Congratulations. This is the Pch Company. You are a lucky winner of $8 million in a brand new car. In our sweepstakes, your claim code is US 1169. Please call us back at 754-240-2831. That’s 754-240-2831. Thank you for making it PC d h. Goodbye "

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754-240-2831 Still Active Joseph Cod Sunday 3-12-23 3:34PM EST

Rung out → Voicemail.

Baiting now

Active! Got a hit on this number.
5 days later and he fucking decides to call me back suddenly. @sandbar @ObamaIsntReal

Can’t bait actually, too late 4 me.

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