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Missed call from +18623306463
Hi, I’m Mr Andrew Goldberg here at our Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes and Giveaways Companies Limited, this notification is in regards to a registration of a package that you have luckily won yourself of $8.5 Million Dollars, $5,000 each week for life, Luxury A-Class RV Camper and also a 2025 Purl White Ford Branco 4x4. from our Monthly Promotion, your package could be delivered to you within 24 hour or at the same time for you to receive the package there is a 1% tax fee which is being required from the federal government notify as the registration charge if you do need further information and how you could receive your package please verify your full name, address & telephone number for more information in ASAP now
Got this Yesterday Just got off the phone with him looking for the 1% taxes before it was give whatever man!!