
Scam Number: 412-914-3408
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 06:32:59 AM PDT

Tuesday, 02 July 2024 CST 07:32

Transaction Number- #510-IWFE-5682

Your order is confirmed!

Thank you for trusting us! We are thrilled to confirm that your

Transaction #510-IWFE-5682, has been received and is being processed.

Here are the details of your order:

Billing Address:

Customer UID:


Product Details:

Seller: Binαncε Globαl, Inc.

Item: XRP (XRP)

Quantity: 0.580

Price: $875.99

Total Price: $875.99

We are excited to get your order to you as soon as possible and will

keep you updated on the status of your shipment. If you have any

questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. +1


Happy writing!

Ebenezer Waggett

Team PayPal, Credit.

Helpline: +1 (412)-(914)-(3408)

Copyright ©2024, All rights reserved.

Beaty Rd Ga Beaufort

Greenfeldermouth Virginia USA.
remote tool-connectwise control


412-914-3408 David Brown Tuesday 7-2-24 10:37AM EST


More Kolkata Chodes today!
IP Details.

Country India
Region West Bengal
City Kolkata
ZIP 700006
Timezone Asia/Kolkata
Internet Service Provider (ISP) Alliance Broadband
Organization Unknown
AS number and name AS132757 Sristi Sanchar Webnet Ltd.
callback number for aka Jack

Also answered as Norton suppoat. Immediate hangup.

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412 914 3408 peter morris will take one dozen of blow a load in a right-hand glove that we are helping scamazon to sell I had to let him know that you will have to wait 7 days before you will be able to fill your gloves , wait I mean fill your order sorry pete he became the twat and huge up .

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Melissa and David brown called me back today.

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David Brown and Raymond

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