PayPal refund 727-394-4004 4847408680

Scam Number: 727-394-4004 4847408680
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:
We have successfully processed your request to open your PayPal Business account. Your account is now verified using your Social Security Number (SSN), enabling you to seamlessly accept credit card payments. A merchant fee of $249.99 has been debited from your checking account, and you can expect to see this reflected on your bank statement within 48 hours.

If you did not initiate the process to open a PayPal Business account, please contact us immediately, as this may indicate a potential case of identity theft. We appreciate your choice in PayPal.
For further assistance, please reach out to us at the following numbers:

PayPal Business



PayPal becomes ATF Fed case
Paul William PayPal
Emily Johnson, bank HQ
Richard Gomez, ATF officer

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ATF scammer

They are really unhappy for some reason :thinking: