PayPal / 888-214-4785

Scam Number: 888-214-4785
Scammer’s Website or Email: TEXT
Additional information about this scam: 653.43 $ was Char ged to your Pay Pal: Or der ID: OOHNDRL. Not you Ca ll us 888-214-4785 (This is exactly as received with spaces between words)


Carrier: RingCentral
Call Center Location: India :india:
Answers as: “PayPal”
Technician: “Alex”
Falsely Claims: Purchase of Bitcoin, 3 locations
Remote Access Software: ConnectWise from (Nickname: “Secure Server,” Code: 84877, IP: :bulgaria:) or QuickAssist or UltraViewer (ID: /DESKTOP-)

I faked their ConnectWise download not working, prompting “Alex” to bring his incredibly-impatient manager on the line to guide me through the download and try to have me run QuickAssist to no avail, then UltraViewer. They refused to “suppoat” because they would rather fuck a camel than listen and be patient.


When I called after receiving the text, the scammer wanted to know how I keep getting their numbers. These folks aren’t that bright and can’t figure out how I seem to be the cause of much of their misery and time wasted. This is the ‘Dear Custome’ guy’s that use the green background in many of their Text message scams. Most of the text scams that I receive and post are from the same scam group.

And here I thought the preferred dogs.

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Lol, they really are a strange group. I have had them tell me that they will F me and I reply with: I’m flattered but I’m also not gay, but go ahead and flaunt your flamboyance there Samlingi.

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