Scam Number: 844-264-1569
Scammer’s Website or Email:
Additional information about this scam:
8442641569 Jessica Wednesday 2-5-25 12:42PM EST
This side “Jessica” – Is that the new standard greeting for the chodes now
PP text just in: (878) 242 0950 Moron Alert!
Order Confirmed :Successfully sent 318.81 to Paypal. If not you call +1 (878) 242 0950
Wait, it gets better, have had them ask ‘Who is on that side?’
Haven’t had that one yet Cat…what answer did you give them, lol
I couldn’t help but ruin the bait by mocking him.
8782420950 Wednesday 2-5-25 1:03PM EST
ive been calling this one off and on for hours, seems to be mostly women working the call center
I got this side Sandra and this side Joseph Morgan.
I keep grilling them about USD. They don’t appreciate being lectured that we use the dollar sign.
This is a target rich environment like no other
Lol I just got off the phone with this side Jessica and yeah she was fun to mess with.
I’m really struggling with not laughing during the calls. I wonder how many “this end” calls they’re getting. I’m probably up to 50
Really nasty people.
I tell them that they need to find Jessica and Sandra if they want their sexual needs meet.
The scammer felt bad that I was a old lady so he decided to tell me that the order was a false report and not to call back on this number
Me and the scammer had a singing contest LOL I won and he acted crazy
360-717-6921 Callback Number
He started playing fart noises and high pitch sounds on the mic I had to join them LOL I was trying so hard not to break character