Parody Gordon's ramblings

Maahir Shah/Parody Gordon is actually JNteamed’s stream moderator.

Also he’s using a VPN @FuelDaFlame#7345


@R34P3R#7354 Wut?

Yes, he is my stream moderator

BUT like i stream again? Until i remove him and “fix” my youtube account.

@1337mathster#7361 It’s a short bus. Retarded kids ride in short buses.

@memes#7363 Lol okay… you’re never too old to learn about a new meme eh?

A shorter one Imgur: The magic of the Internet

@1337mathster#7365 It’s been a meme for decades, so it’s not new.

@memes#7370 I wasn’t aware of it.

Get off of the internet @1337mathster#7373

Don’t be so rude.