Nyxology Tech Support Scam

You all remember nyxology? The company I exposed back in June? Well huge surprise, they are still scamming people. I hate this company more than ANY other company I have exposed. They are relentless. The manager said and I quote “I’m selling stupid services to stupid people like you” -end quote.

I can't call this company anymore because they still recognize me, (They should that video has 15K views and I know it hurt their company.) I need you all to call them, harass them, expose them, do as you please. Waste their time!

Here is the phone number:
844 699 6564


IP: (As of June 2016, it may have changed)


When you call or after you expose them, tell them Richard from Stop Phone Scammers sent you. If you do record it and upload it, post it below, I would love to see it!

No answer bro. Let it ringa ding ding nothing

“i cant hear you benchod go fuck your self” after when i said i got a problem

I called them, told them I had a browser popup and they hung up.

they wont answer


my aim is to try rat a scammer