Norton refund scam 888-603-2096

Scam Number: 888-603-2096
Domain Used: Email
Extra Info: From an email saying your Norton has auto renewed. They will ask for a product ID or Invoice # and amount. Posting what I received so that you can reference it.
Product ID: 888-603-2096
Amount: $234.94

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Called them. They had me fill out a google form and connected to my va with some program I’ve never heard of. I finally revealed what was going on and got some very fun language :joy::rofl:. He asked who I was and I kept it anonymous. Go get em!

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So I caught the IP address; what kind of got me sad is that he wanted to leave his job, but at the same time, he didn’t.

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Number is taken down. Nice work!

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They won’t answer for me.

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