Norton refund (888) 894-4234‬


LOL you’ve tainted the NOR-8675309 number. Just got hung up on after giving it.

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LOL, I started just repeating the guy on the phone and he got so mad he said he’d send a sharpshooter. Wtf. I’m dying.

I called them 50 times with flooding. I get busy singal now. Anyone else?

I had two of them on the line for over an hour arguing who was going to scam me haha. They didn’t realize they are from the same call center :rofl::rofl:

806-680-6331 picked up for me and asked for my mothers phone number…

I don’t have the setup (or the expertise) to do the “AnyDex” thing, but I just bought an MP3 of Joe Piscopo’s “Honeymooners Rap” (with Eddie Murphy), and I played for them at full volume. “Norton! Norton! Nuh-nuh-nuhnuh-nuh-Norton!” “Ralphie boy!”
SpoofCard history says the call lasted 46 seconds, but I think “Jim” hung up before I could play it for him. I might lead off with it next,time, and see how long they’ll stay on the line. :smiling_imp:

(888) 894-4234‬ is still active

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Active … Screen Connect

806-680-6331 Answered. Tuesday 9-27-22 8:49PM EST

yes perfectly correct

LOTTERY TEXT SCAM: You are supposed to text (817) 618-2154 but Received from 2 numbers (865) 314-4743 (561) 513-7292

Good news, This is Couple Tammy and Cliff Webster, the Powerball winner of $316.3 million jackpot-winning on Feb 7, 2022, Click here to check our winnings interview ( $316.3 Million Wisconsin Powerball Winners - YouTube ), We are donating $200,000 to 20 random selected individuals. If you get this message then your number was selected after a spin ball. I have spread most of my wealth over a number of charities and organizations. Kindly get back to my agent in Charge, Agent DAVID ROBERT (817) 618-2154 text him for claiming and delivery of your winnings…