Norton Impersonation Scammer

Scam Number: 808 900 7190 / 808 460 4338 / 808 501 2188
Scammer’s Website or Email: Norton Scammer

Additional information about this scam: Phone Carriers -
808 900 7190 / Sinch
808 460 4338 / Sinch
808 501 2188 / Level 3


“Thank you for calling Norton Security, how can I help you?”

Scammer will claim someone used your email address to subscribe to Norton Lifelock, prompting you to cancel by filing a “cancellation form” through the “cancellation server of Norton”

Scammer uses UltraViewer

Very active center, need more people calling them to tie them up for a long time.

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All #'s are down…Good job! :+1:

Here’s another Norton: (805) 500-3443 SKYPE

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Well that was fun. Lol

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I did my share lol


That barrage certainly shut their (3443 #) assess down, lmao.


Just got their new number 802 448 8247

No answer